I stopped f#%*ing & flipped that energy into 8-figures for the company.

“I’m not a part of any religion or weird groups, my celibacy is based on my business goals.  I’m a Hardcore Entrepreneur, not your average.  Sex & lust are a weakness that drains a man’s energy & clouds people’s minds.  During this journey, I have zero chance of sex scandals, no trail of broken hearts, no STDs, no one saying I owe them, and even more no extended soul ties.  Who are you when you remove sex from the equation?”  

Danko Resiliente explains how his Business Based Celibacy helped him go from sleeping on a cot after becoming a victim of injustice to becoming an Ultra-High Net-worth individual in less than two years in his book Memoirs of a Hardcore Entrepreneur Volume 1.  In his memoir, he also discloses how many years he’s been celibate, the benefits, and how to do it.  
